English language has only one alphabet with 26 letters, contrary to ‘ 26 alphabets’ which is widely talked about. An alphabet is a set of letters arranged in a particular order.
‘Widow’ is the only female form in English that is shorter than its corresponding male form ‘widower’.
‘He is a talkative’ is a common error among non-native speakers of English. It is incorrect because ‘talkative’ is not a noun.
‘Use to’ is not the present tense form of ‘used to’. Use ‘usually’ or ‘always’ to indicate what you do often or every day. However, you can use ‘use to’ in sentences like:
She didn’t use to swim after lunch.
Did your mum use to skate?
There is no synonym for ‘groom’ in the strictest sense, and the antonym is ‘bride. When joined, ‘bridegroom’ is the synonym of ‘groom’.
In 2009, Birmingham (England’s second largest city) banned the use of the apostrophe ( ‘ ) on road signs. St. Paul’s became St. Pauls. This was ‘to avoid confusion’.
In parts of Northern England and Southern Wales, ‘s’ marker is used for general present tense. Thus, a sentence such as ‘I likes him’ is used. However, it is not a standard English expression.
‘Taxi’ is spelt the same way in English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, and Dutch.